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An excerpt from Branko Milanovic’s Capitalism, Alone was published at ProMarket. A Texas Monthly cover story on ‘the battle to rewrite Texas history’ featured The Injustice Never Leaves You author Monica Munoz Martinez’s research into long-ignored incidents of racial violence. Thomas Philippon, author of The Great Reversal, explained to CNBC’s The Exchange why American markets are a mess’and getting worse. At BBC Science Focus , Zwicky author John Johnson Jr. Daniel Schwartz, author of Ghetto: The History of a Word, wrote at Time about the use of the term to describe heavily segregated urban areas in the United States; Literary Hub published an excerpt from the book. Elizabeth Anderson, author of Value in Ethics and Economics, Danielle Keats Citron, author of Hate Crimes in Cyberspace, and Emily Wilson, author of The Death of Socrates, have been named as 2019 MacArthur Fellows. An excerpt from T. Breen’s The Will of the People, ‘The Slow Build Up to the American Revolution,’ was published at Literary Hub. At Vice , Sarah Milov, author of The Cigarette: A Political History, compared ‘the great American vape panic of 2019’ to previous public outcry when, after years of litigation, the dangers of cigarettes were finally disclosed. On KUOW (Seattle, WA)’s The Record , The Public Option coauthor Ganesh Sitaraman described the role of government in providing Americans with universally accessible, low or no-cost services’and the variety of public options that could become available if only Americans can muster the political will for them, rotiri gratuite în cazinou. At STAT , Altered Inheritance author Francoise Baylis responded to announcements of successful germline gene editing by Chinese and Russian researchers, calling for ‘slow science,’ deep reflection, and international dialogue among scientists about what constitutes the common good. Tony Jack, author of The Privileged Poor, spoke with KERA (Dallas’Fort Worth, TX)’s Think about the upper education challenges of students who are ‘book smart’ but who may lack the socioeconomic class background to succeed on campus. Payal Arora, author of The Next Billion Users, discussed with Innovation Hub (WGBH/PRI) the origins of her research in starry-eyed development idealism’and how she pivoted when confronted with the all-too-human preferences of the people she was attempting to uplift. At Fortune , How the Other Half Banks author Mehrsa Baradaran considered the implications for the underbanked of Amazon’s new ‘Paycode’ program, which will allow for cash transactions via a partnership with Western Union. Literary Hub published an excerpt from Francoise Baylis’s Altered Inheritance, ‘Will It Ever Be Ethical for Athletes to Edit Their Genes? Are you f***ing kidding me? Cardul reclamat trebuia arestat din prima secunda, nu in pasul final al tranzactiei. Intru rapid in George, appul online al lui BCR. Al meu era viu, zglobiu ca un mielut primavara. Apoi sun la serviciul clienti. Dupa vreo 40 de minute, timp in care am fost si la magazin cu bruma de numerar adunata din buzunare de prin casa, sa-mi ridic cumparaturile cu telefonul la ureche, robotul zice: Daca nu e o urgenta, apelati alte cai de contact, rotiri gratuite în cazinou. E o urgenta, in mortii ma-tii, ca m-ai lasat complet fara bani!! Nu stii ce rahat de genul li se intampla. Dupa inca o ora de asteptat si facut 13 ‘ 14 prin casa, ma preia un gigel. Ma identifica in sistem, ii povestesc situatia. Din cauza glitchurilor voastre de cacat, eu nu am acces la propriii mei bani, si tu ma faci proasta direct. Da, era cardul vostru. Se termina cu cifrele cutare, era marca cutare, si mi l-a inghitit bancomatul cutare, cu pretextul reclamatiei de furt. Care plm parte nu se intelege in limba romana? Eu pot merge acum sa le cer bonul de casa refuzat, daca te ajuta cu ceva.
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